To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. Ribeiro de Araujo - Live AIS data from Portugal

Data received by my own station and pre-processed by Shipplotter


The displayed information shall NOT be used for navigation purposes!


Special thanks to the members of the Shipplotter forum, namely Bev Ewen-Smith (developer of Shipplotter and PlanePlotter among other fine software applications), W. Curt Deegan (for use of some of his HTML code) and others that regularly contribute with their scripts, ideas and comments for the benefit of the overall AIS community.


This page has no commercially purpose of any kind.

It only reflects my deep interest and commitment in supporting the AIS technology and maritime safety.



Avenida de S. Miguel, 249  - Esc. 35

2775-751 Carcavelos





de Araújo

Consultor / Consultant